Why Use a Fall Planner and a Free Download

Fall Planner

Written by Fawn

Wife, Mom, Wellness Coach, Blogger, Photographer, Beach Lover, Cookbook Fanatic, Printable Maker, Lover of Bourbon and Black Coffee…Adultish (sometimes)
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Yes, you can specifically get a fall planner and if you keep reading you will have the opportunity to grab a fall digital planner free!

Daily planners have come a long way over the years. These days, they contain anything and everything you need to make your life easier! They’re no longer small date planners with only appointments inside them.

Daily planners focus on your schedules, goals, and ambitions. They help you stick to your routines and provide guidance for lifelong wellness.

Another great revolution about planners is that they have also become digital! Thank the heavens. I use my daily planner on my iPad via GoodNotes. It is amazing. I also create digital planners and journals, which you can check out in my Esty shop.

Another great way to keep a digital planner is via Trello. Yes, you read that right, Trello. I love Trello for all my organizing needs.

This post will include some great reasons to start using a daily planner for the fall if you aren’t using one already.

Why Should You Use a Daily Planner?

A daily planner has so many great benefits. It’s worth giving it a try. The benefits are almost guaranteed to be just what you need to organize and plan those fall festivities. It will also be perfect for helping you to stay on track with managing your time wisely since you have a clear picture of your tasks and appointments, as well as the days you’ve scheduled fun activities and dates with friends.

Using a fall daily planner is excellent for overall productivity by helping you to create and complete to-do lists and keep up with your goals. I think you will also be pleasantly surprised to see that your stress levels drop as you write down your appointments, tasks, and to-dos in your planner, which in turn will begin improving your focus and productivity. Your planner will also give you an excellent record of your tasks, so you know where to start again if you should fall behind. Grab the digital planner free that comes in this post to get started!

Fall Bucket List and Fun Activities

An excellent way to use a planner in the fall is for activities you want to do or participate in during the season. These activities can be personal or work-related. One of the best uses of your fall journal is to create a fall bucket. I keep my bucket list on my main calendar on Trello. Trello makes it super simple and keeps it at my fingertips if we are out. Having quick access is especially helpful if I’m looking for an idea for something to do or think of something to add.

So, what do you want to do this fall? Is there a holiday party you want to attend, or have you always wanted to bake pumpkin bread? Maybe take the kids to a pumpkin patch or on a hayride. You could even fit in some fitness and sign up for a 5K with your family. Then you could schedule training with your family. The ideas for fall activities are endless.

What Makes a Fall Planner Successful?

There are no rules for making your fall planner a success, but you can do a few things to get the most benefit from using it. The following are some tips for using your fall planner successfully:

Only use one planner for everything – While this is important, I will start by saying I break this rule because I love my Trello schedule. For the most part, though, everything goes into my written digital planner. I use the same planner to schedule work, personal, and HOA obligations. It keeps things neater and more organized. The only stuff I push through to Trello are things I want to have handy, LIKE my fall bucket list.

Write in it daily 

The best way to make your fall planner a success is to make using it a habit. You are building the routine by using your planner daily, writing something down, or just reviewing your day or week.

Include all tasks/events in your planner 

Make sure to write down every task and event, small or big. By writing everything down, it will help you keep track of the things you need to do. It gives you a place to see what you’ve done so far towards a project. Also, it’s a place where you can see an overview of the progress you’ve already made toward your goals. For me, being able to look back and see all that I’ve accomplished is a huge motivator. 

Make use of all the daily, weekly, and monthly sections 

All of the sections in your fall planner have a purpose, so find a way to use each of them. Use the daily sections as to-do lists for the day, and use the weekly and monthly for appointments and goal setting.

Final Thoughts

Organizing your obligations will make your life simpler. There is no time like the present to get this done. It would be great to have all of your important dates and obligations organized and on hand as the holiday season approaches, right?

Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)
Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM)
Behavior Change Specialist (NASM)

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