4 Autumn Self Care Activities You’ll Love

autumn self care

Written by Fawn

Wife, Mom, Wellness Coach, Blogger, Photographer, Beach Lover, Cookbook Fanatic, Printable Maker, Lover of Bourbon and Black Coffee…Adultish (sometimes)
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Why Self-Care Should Change with the Season

Practicing self care activities in the autumn is so important as is being mindful of your mental health is important year-round, but you should also change it up a little bit as the seasons change. A new routine will not only help you to maintain balance but can also offer a great opportunity to try something new. Trying something new will provide you with an extra boost of self-confidence and a more rewarding sense of fulfillment.

Autumn Weather Changes

As the weather shifts with the changing of the seasons, you may find it is a perfect time to switch up your self-care routine. In the autumn, as the weather begins getting cooler, depending on where you live, of course, you may find it easier to add in outside activities.

As the weather changes and it starts getting cooler, your mornings might be a bit chilly, so wrapping up on the sofa with a blanket and a cup of coffee might be more appealing.

Self Care and Me

Living in Florida, I wouldn’t go as far as to say it ever gets truly cold in the autumn, BUT there is a noticeable change in the heat index. And this year was the first Halloween in I don’t remember how long we didn’t sweat while trick or treating.

During the summer it’s so hot here. So “enjoying” outside activities is a stretch in terms of self care. 

Thankfully, I have a pool, and I spend part of my summers hanging out, swimming with the kids. For me, my kids’ laughter is an important part of my self care. 

I also enjoy sitting at the patio table reading a good book but really have to be in the mood in the summer because it is so hot!

On super lazy days, forget it. I’m not leaving the comfort of the air conditioning. I’d much rather stay inside and read a book or journal.

Autumn self care for me means long walks with my husband and bonfires in the backyard with a good book. Autumn gives me more options, and I love it.

Autumn Self Care Activities Build off Summer Ones

Adjusting your self care activities from season to season is a great way to allow your practice to build on itself. For instance, during the summer maybe you walk in the evening. Then in the autumn, you could build on that by either starting a running program, hiking, or taking up yoga.

With the cooler weather, your self care may look more like cozying up by the fire to relax on a quiet evening while you write in your journal. Perhaps it could also involve spending time with your kiddos baking cookies. The possibilities are endless.

Reassess Your Goals

Autumn is a great time of the year to reassess your summer goal list and get some of those things checked off. Take a look at your summer goal list and see what you can move to your autumn goal list. Etsy is chock-full of ‘digital’ and printable planners and journals that you can use with apps like GoodNotes. Check out some of my planners on Etsy. I do all of my journaling digitally because it is more private. As far as planning goes, I’m torn between the digital and paper worlds. Admittingly I go back and forth. 

Consider some end-of-year goals that might switch up what your autumn self care routine looks like. Think about what else you might change as a result of this to improve your self care routine.

It’s not uncommon to feel so wrapped up in work that we forget to take care of ourselves– but it’s time we stop and realize that without our health, there really isn’t anything else. 

Enjoy the Outdoor Autumn Scenery

Many people think that self care is about taking a bath by candlelight or reading a book, both of which are great options, but you can also practice self care in other ways such as going for a walk in the park, taking a bike ride, or enjoying some time with family and friends.

Self care is just as much about taking care of your mental health as it is physical health. It’s about taking the time to do what makes you feel good.

One aspect of self care during the autumn is to admire all the beautiful outdoor scenery. This is especially true if you are lucky enough to live somewhere that has a true change of seasons. Get outside and take in the leaves changing colors and the feel of autumn in the air. Us Floridians don’t get that unless we head north for leaf-peeping!

Your neighborhood, a nearby park, or a hiking trail with beautiful autumn leaves are great places to explore.

Read a Book

A relaxing self care activity you can do any time of year, indoors or outdoors, is reading a book. For me, it doesn’t get any better than wrapping up in a blanket with a good book by the fireplace. 

If you are anything like me, you have a stack of books on your nightstand or bookcase that you haven’t read. I’m gonna let my book nerd show a little here. I have my bookcase organized by genre, then sub-genre, then books I haven’t read by genre and sub-genre. That stack keeps getting bigger, too, because every time I find a book that interests me, I buy it. 

So slow down and unplug. Put your phone away and turn Netflix off. When you slow down long enough to pick up a book and read, you will easily understand why it’s an easy choice for autumn self care.

Do Exercises You Enjoy

Self care is subjective. What I find as a perfect self care activity, you may not. Exercise could be one of those activities. If that’s the case, I will venture to say you’ve been doing it wrong. Exercise can and should be something you enjoy.

There are so many benefits to working out. It’s good for you mentally and physically. Exercise is good for your heart, prevents disease, improves sleep, and puts you in a better mood by producing endorphins. With all these benefits, it’s important to find something you enjoy doing.

The thing that I got wrong for so many years was to treat exercise as a punishment. It was a punishment for what I ate or was going to eat. It was a punishment for my weight going up or getting stuck. That mentality led me to do workouts I didn’t love to keep my weight in check. This was not a healthy approach to exercise.

I have found the single biggest secret to sticking to a daily exercise routine is finding an activity that you actually enjoy doing. Yup, that’s it. It is important to try different things until you find something that suits your interests and personality. Any workout that you have fun doing is part of self care.

Relaxation Activities

Relaxation activities are likely the first thing you think of when you think about self care. Makes sense. This type of activity is definitely what comes to mind for me. We all need to take time to relax, quiet our minds, reduce stress, and be grateful for the things in our life.

Yoga is an extremely popular activity for self-care. One of its benefits is reducing stress. Yoga may also help with depression & improve mental health. Some other great ideas are taking a warm bath with Epsom salts (a personal fav with eucalyptus Epsom salt) or aromatherapy oils or getting a massage.


In conclusion, self care is important because it provides you with a way to take care of yourself and prevent burnout. It also improves mental wellbeing and increases your quality of life. Take the time to change up your routine in the autumn. Move your autumn self care routine outside and enjoy nature when you can. Just remember you can keep it simple by doing activities like eating nutritiously, journaling, or reading a book. The important thing to remember is to make sure it is something YOU enjoy, or it’s not self care.

.Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, let me know and leave a comment or share on social media!

Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)
Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM)
Behavior Change Specialist (NASM)

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