Establishing clear goals can give your life purpose and structure, providing you with direction and a sense of accomplishment. At the start of a new month set new goals where needed and review old goals to see if they still resonate with you. Things change and your goals should be able to change and grow with you. Strive to become your ideal self by crafting some powerful goals. If you’re feeling stuck and need some ideas, read over the ten medium term goals I have included and use them to create an optimistic, prosperous, and energetic plan for the year ahead.
Medium Term Goals
Learn a Language
Start the new month with a new goal of learning a foreign language. Acquiring fluency in a language requires considerable effort and requires dedication over time. For this reason, it definitely falls into the medium term goals category. If you commit to learning the language on a consistent basis throughout the year, you will be amazed at your progress at the end of one year. Even if you could master some key phrases and words, your hard work will have paid off and you will have gained a useful skill that you can use in your daily life.
Set a Reading Goal
Reading is a wonderful way to learn about the world and be more informed. If you want to build a better reading habit start by challenging yourself to read a set number of books within a certain time frame. For instance, you can set yourself a goal of reading 2 books a month or 30 books a year. My current goal is 52 books in 52 weeks!
Whether you want to read one book a week or one book a month (or more!), you’ll finish out the year being more well-read from your efforts.
Check out my free reading challenge printable to help you track your progress.

Learn Something New
Time spent learning new skills and building your knowledge is time well spent. For the new month set a new medium term goal to learn something brand new to you. Seeking out knowledge in areas that have always interested you are an important part of self-development. It could be anything from taking up a new sport or learning a new skill like photography.
For example, if you’ve always wanted to be a talented graphic designer, research what programs are best for new graphic designers. Next, see if you can find an online course through an online platform like Udemy to teach you how to use the program. A year spent learning all about something new is a year spent working toward a goal that makes you a more well-rounded and talented person.
Set a New Health or Fitness Goal
It’s always a great time to start a new health or fitness goal. So, start the new month by setting a realistic goal for your health or fitness. Keep it simple and find ways to take care of your body, because taking care of your HEALTH is always a smart move. You can challenge yourself to meet a particular health and fitness goal you’ve always wanted to achieve or find an online group challenge that appeals to you.
If your goal is to achieve something like running a 5k, challenge yourself and take the necessary steps to accomplish it within a set timeline. Not only will you gain a higher level of satisfaction from reaching your goal but it can also benefit you in terms of health and wellness.
Track your fitness goals and progress with this fitness tracker from my Etsy shop.

Add to Your Professional Skill Set
Establish a new medium term goal to expand your productivity and benefit your career by acquiring a fresh new skill. Whether it be taking up classes or engaging in job-specific learning activities, aim to delve into something new this year and make the most out of it.
Take up a new skill that will be an asset to your career or if you are planning to change jobs, learn a new skill that will benefit you in your new career path. Regardless, it’s always useful to keep adding to your professional repertoire. Continuing to educate yourself so you can add skills and training to your resume shows you value yourself and take your career path seriously.
Be Kinder
Make exuding a culture of kindness one of your goals for the new month. Get in the habit of showing kindness to someone each day, however small it may be. Even the smallest acts can make a big difference!. Small acts of kindness can make a huge impact on someone’s life. From giving compliments to helping out with tasks, holding open doors and surprising people with unexpected acts of compassion–regularly spreading kindness not only boosts the moods of others, but yours as well.
Start a Savings Account Now
A wonderful medium to long term goal to start right now is to start saving money. Investing in your financial future is a great goal. Start a savings account and take the time to read up on other financial planning steps you can take. Even a little bit of money saved can make a big difference in your future. Regardless of the amount you allocated to save just by setting the money aside in your savings you now can feel more prepared for the future.
Pro Tip: At the beginning of the month, calculate your total net pay for the previous month. Next, deduct your bills, groceries, and other obligations. Finally, decide how much you want to allocate to savings each payday from what is left of your paycheck and challenge yourself to move that money to your savings account each and every payday.
At the end of one year, you will be happy you started working towards this goal as you’ll find yourself with the start of a nest egg or cash you can use for emergencies.

Travel More
Another fun medium term goal you can set is to travel more. Establishing a goal to travel more can be incredibly rewarding. The great thing about this goal is it can overlap with other goals like learning a new language. You can set a goal to learn the language of a country you plan to travel to. This is the best way to immerse yourself in the language. Plus, you will be able to experience different cultures, landscapes, and activities. You can use this opportunity to travel to explore different cuisines or develop an appreciation for art and music from around the world.

Medium Term Goals Concluded…
These are eight examples of medium term goals you can choose from for the new month. Any one of these goals will benefit you overall. Goals are essential to keep you motivated and help you measure progress. They provide a clear direction and vision to strive for and can keep you organized and on track. They are also helpful because they allow you to celebrate milestones when they happen, such as finishing work on a project or reaching a certain weight, etc.

Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM)
Behavior Change Specialist (NASM)